
Key Stage 1


In KS1 History, we would like to ensure all children leave with an enthusiasm for History, creating ways to inspire pupils to be curious and creative thinkers who develop a complex knowledge of local and national history and the history of the wider world. We want pupils to develop the confidence to think critically, ask questions, and be able to explain and analyse historical evidence. We aim to do this by:

  1. building an awareness of significant events and individuals;
  2. developing an understanding of British and local history and recognise how things have changed over time;
  3. supporting children to appreciate the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and the relationships between different groups;
  4. building an appreciation to the many reasons why people may behave in the way they do and developing empathy;
  5. providing an opportunity to learn from mankind’s past mistakes;
  6. building their understanding of chronology in and making connections over periods of time to developing a chronologically-secure knowledge of History.


Through focused teaching, we ensure our historians show the following characteristics:

Taken from Kapow’s History Three_Is document 05.09.23

We empathise the importance of historical knowledge being shaped by disciplinary approaches, as shown in the diagram above. These strands are interwoven through all our History units to create engaging and enriching learning experiences which allow the children to investigate history as historians do;

  1. a focus on chronology to allow children to explore the place in time of the period they are studying and make comparisons in other parts of the world;
  2. exploring change and continuity;
  3. exploring cause and consequence;
  4. make comparisons between periods of time;
  5. explore and comment on significant events in history;
  6. have access to a range of sources of evidence;


Our aim is that children will have a clear understanding of the history of Britain, including how people’s lives shape this nation and how Britain has influenced and been influenced by the wider world. Within History lessons, we aim to develop an understanding of the history of the wider world, including the achievements of mankind. Throughout our History units, children have the opportunities, as historians, to form an appreciation for significant individuals, interventions and events that impact or world both in history and from present day.  Throughout learning, children will develop their skill to ask historically-valid questions throughout an enquiry-based approach to learning and explain how and why interpretations of the past have been constructed using evidence. Children will be able to make connections between historical concept and timescales.

Planning and teaching is reviewed termly by the subject lead through learning walks, book monitoring and pupil voice. Written marking in books allow teachers to either consolidate learning through tips or challenge the learner to explain, explore and delve deeper.


Key Stage 2


At Gwladys Street C P and N School we aim to ensure there is a progressive development of historical concepts, knowledge and skills and for children to develop a love of history. We aim to:

foster and nurture a curiosity towards the subject that will stay with them for their whole lives We want children to appreciate, understand and value local, British and world history through local studies, learning visits and enrichment opportunities.

We aim for children to know about significant events and how things have changed over time; understand a sense of chronology; understand society and their place within it to develop a sense of their cultural heritage.

Children should develop skills in enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation, debate, interpretation, problem solving and presentation.


Through focused teaching we ensure that:

  1. A range of vocabulary, which builds on prior learning, allowing children to draw upon these when learning History.
  2. An understanding of chronology of British and Ancient Civilisations using timelines.
  3. Show confidence, through speaking and listening activities, to take part in enquiry based lessons and historical fieldwork resulting in detailed, informative presentations.
  4. Curiosity about how the past has influenced our lives today.
  5. Understand that using a range of primary and secondary sources is an essential component in the study using it to draw conclusions.
  6. Use local places for educational visits/visitors to enhance their learning experiences.
  7. Teaching children about local history to understand wider events.
  8. Celebrate History through themed days across the school.
  9. History club for KS 2 pupils.



 Our aim is for children to have developed an awareness of the world that they live in and an understanding of how history has shaped it. Within history lessons, we strive to create a supportive and collaborative ethos for learning by providing investigative and enquiry based learning opportunities. Children’s knowledge and skills will develop progressively as they move through the school, not only to enable them to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but to prepare them to become competent geographers in secondary education.

Children have an understanding of chronology using timelines, primary and secondary sources. Children are given the opportunity to reflect on what they have learnt each topic, collate new vocabulary to support their understanding and celebrate their achievements in the subject. We track children’s progress in History by using targets taken from the National Curriculum and assessing the children against these. This informs future planning and learning opportunities

Planning and teaching is reviewed termly by the subject lead through learning walks, book monitoring and pupil voice. Written marking in books allow teachers to either consolidate learning through tips or challenge the learner to explain, explore and delve deeper.

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