

Welcome to Class Russia

In Class Russia, we are developing a love of learning and trying our best in every lesson.  Remember to attend school – try and achieve 100% attendance!  Our amazing Year 5 team are: Miss Aucutt, Miss Pollard, Mrs Chambers and Miss Jones.

Water Bottles

Water bottles need to have a sports cap.  Please remember to take your water bottle home every night. It needs to be refilled at home and brought back to school the following day. Remember we learn best when we are hydrated.


This term Year 5 will be taking part in PE lessons every Thursday afternoon. For PE lessons, all children must have a  Gwladys Street PE kit (white t-shirt, blue shorts and black pumps). You need sensible trainers that are suitable for outdoor PE.


We are so lucky to have Spanish lessons each week – every Friday Morning.


English and Maths basic skills homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be back in school for Wednesday to be marked for Friday.

Home Reading

As well as completing weekly homework, it is important to read with your children every day.  This will ensure the children develop their word reading and comprehension skills which are very important in developing their knowledge.  Reading books should be brought in daily and reading journal signed.

Miss Williams – Class Russia

Curriculum Overview Map Year 5 (1)


Russia Tweets