Welcome to Japan!
Class Information
In Class Japan, our aim is to develop a love of learning. We always try our best in everything we do and never give up when faced with difficulties.
Our Japan class teacher is Mrs Townley Jones and our wonderful teaching assistant is Mrs J Cunningham and 1-1 support from Mrs G Holding.
Water bottles
Please remember to bring in your school water bottle every day. Water is very good for our brains! Water bottles will be sent home every night to be washed and refilled ready for the next day.
We will be swimming every Monday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school with the appropriate swimming kit which includes swimming cap and towel.
It is important to read with your children every night. This will ensure the children develop their word reading and comprehension skills which are very important in developing their knowledge. Really focus on asking questions about their book. Every time your child finishes a book, they will complete a quiz in school and will then swap their book.
Japan will receive their homework every Friday. It will consist of Spellings, Mathematics and English work. This homework will help your child to prepare for their Key Stage Two National Tests. It is important that all homework returns to school by Wednesday in order for it to be marked and sent back home the following Friday. If any support is required, please see class teacher.
Year 6 is a very important and special year. As it is your child’s last year in school, we want them to be in everyday to enjoy every moment with their class. This year, the Key Stage Two National Tests will take place the week beginning the 13th May 2025. It is important that no child is absent from school during this week.
Keep up to date with all of our latest news by following our twitter @GSPSJapan.