Welcome to the Ladybirds class page. Look and see what we have been learning by clicking on the tabs.
Good attendance habits start early, in EYFS we encourage and support children to be in school every day in order to give our children the best possible start to their educational journey.
Our themes throughout our academic year are:
Marvelous me
Let’s Celebrate
Brilliant Beasts
The Great Outdoors
Clothing: We would like to take this opportunity to remind you to label all items of clothing brought to school. It is also helpful if PE bags and packed lunches are also named. It helps us get belongings back to you more quickly when they are misplaced.
Reading: Once issued with a school reading book we expect that children bring their books to school every single day. If you listen to your child read please make a comment and update their reading record. We will send additional information regarding reading to your throughout the year.
Supporting Early Reading:
What to expect in EYFS:
Reception baseline information for parents
Autumn One
Zones of Regulation
Outdoor Learning