
Welcome to Kenya!

Welcome to class Kenya’s page.  Your class teacher is Mr Fidler.  We have lots of fun and exciting things to learn while you are in Year Three and we will be keeping you all up to date through our school newsletter, Seesaw, Class Dojo and our Twitter page @GSPSKenya.

Each morning, you will see myself or Mrs Beckwith at the door to greet you and welcome you in at 8:50 am.

All we ask is that you come into school each day with a smile on your face, ready to learn!


Kenya have PE every Friday. On this day only, you can come into school wearing your full PE kit (plain white top, blue shorts / blue jogging pants if the weather is cold, black pumps / trainers). Pupils may wish to wear their school jumper with their PE kit during the day but please do not send your child into school wearing any other branded sports wear.


Homework will be sent out every Friday and will be collected the following Thursday. We look forward to seeing your lovely home learning. We expect pupils to log in to Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars as part of their weekly home learning (Aim for at least two occassions over the week). This is to develop their Maths basic skills and prepare them for their multiplication check when they go to Year 4.

Everyone has been allocated a  homework folder – please look after as we will not be able to replace them once lost.


Your child will be allocated a reading book at the start of the academic year from our school library. This will be logged and recorded on our system. Please sign the reading log to say that your child has read.Please bring it into school every day so as we can monitor your child’s progress. We have regular prizes and competitions for regular readers! Once your child has finished reading their book they will complete a QR quiz to test their understanding. No child will be able to change their book unless they complete the quiz and achieve an adequate score. This may result in your child reading the same book a number of times until they have completed the quiz.

If your child attends a Phonics group, they will also get a paper copy of the story book we have been reading. This is to reinforce the sounds and tricky words that your child has been learning.

We will also send home Phonics QR codes for pupils to practice their sounds. The more they practice, the sooner they will be reading fluently!


Other Information

  • Please ensure you have your Gwladys Street water bottle in school every day. The water bottles can be purchased from the office. If it is not a Gwladys Street one, then it needs to be a water bottle with a sports cap and it can not be too big.
  • Please  ensure correct uniform is worn everyday – White shirt (no polos please) school tie, grey trousers / pinafore / skirt, black shoes or plain black trainers (no white soles).
  • Long hair must be tied back.
  • Studded earings only (no hoops) and no other jewellery allowed.
  • Please refrain from bringing in toys / large items unless an agreement has been made with school for fidgit toys / ear defenders.
  •  Book bags only to be brought into school – no large bags.
  • No expensive coats (ie branded) – coats can be purchased from the school office.
  • Please ensure all items of clothing all fully labelled with your child’s name (jumpers and coats especially)
  • We take no responsibility for lost items so please remind your child to take care of their items and place them in the correct places in class.


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