Mr B Jones is the SENCo for Gwladys Street and is supported by Mrs E Beckwith who can be contacted via the school office on 0151 525 0843

The SEND POLICY and SEN INFORMATION reports  can be seen below.

SEND Policy 2024 2025

SEN-Information-Report-2024 25


Please contact the school office if you would like an appointment with Mr Jones to discuss any SEND related issues.

Our school supports a wide range of pupils with Special Educational Needs.  Class teachers make regular assessments of progress for all pupils; any pupils’ progress which:

  • is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
  • fails to match or better the children’s previous rate of progress
  • fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
  • widens the attainment gap

may be deemed to have Special Educational Needs.

Class teachers will seek to speak to parents/carers to discuss children’s progress at regular intervals and may be placed on the SEND register and a One Page Profile will be written to support their individual needs, which will be reviewed three times a year. A copy of the One Page Profile will be given to the parent/ carer to enable them to support their child following the targets set in school. This enables the child to have additional input and reinforce their learning. A copy of the One Page Profile is below.

One Page Profile

All children at Gwladys Street are entitled to an appropriate education, one that is appropriate to their needs, promotes high standards and the fulfilment of potential. This is to ensure they achieve their best, become confident learners and makes successful transitions to the next setting.

Transition arrangements are organised  during the Summer term and any child who requires additional visits to the next setting will be accommodated as frequently as we are able. There are some children who benefit from the opportunity to familiarise themselves with new settings, this can be at our school, moving classes or transitioning to High School. It is recommended that if your child has SENDs that you as a parent/carers take the opportunity to visit the chosen schools to ensure that the provision is suitable for your child’s requirements.  We liaise with all the High Schools that our children with SEND are going to, as this ensures a positive and smooth transition.

Children who have been diagnosed with a specific condition may find the following strategies helpful to support at home.

There are a number of parent/carer courses that are available via a school referral process. If you think you may benefit from attending one of these, please contact Mr Jones who will be able to support. The available courses are as follows:

  • Understanding and supporting my child’s ADHD
  • Understanding ASD
  • Understanding Behaviour

Autistic Spectrum Conditions (Autism and Aspergers)

This is a developmental condition affecting the way processes information and how a person communicates and relates to others. People with Autism have difficulties in three main areas within their lives; this referred to as the ‘triad of impairments’ (Lorna Wing and Judith Gould):

  • Impairment of Social Communication
  • Impairment of Social Imagination
  • Impairment of Social Relationships

Asperger syndrome is a form of autism. People with Asperger syndrome or high functioning autism are often of average or above average intelligence. They have fewer problems with speech, but may still have difficulties with understanding and processing language. People with Asperger Syndrome do not usually have learning disabilities but may have specific learning difficulty including dyslexia.

Some strategies to support with Autism

  • provide some personal space
  • minimise distactions
  • keep to routines and prepare for changes
  • be consistent with behaviour
  • use visual timetables/lists
  • personalise materials and quiet spaces
  • give clear instructions
  • use ICT to support learning
  • explain jokes, idioms
  • teach skills such as interpreting social signals
  • use visual and concrete materials where possible
  • use games for social interaction such as turn taking

Some strategies to support Asperger Syndrome

  • Allow personal space
  • Minimise distractions/colours/bright lights
  • Keep to a routine
  • Keep instructions clear and concise and to the point
  • Use ICT where possible
  • Teach social signs and signals to look for
  • Promote turn taking


Dyslexia is best described as a combination of abilities and difficulties which affect the learning process in one or more of the following: reading, spelling, writing, numeracy, language.

Some strategies to support

Use syllables (count and blend)

Use multi-sensory methods in class

Repeat the learning and revise skills often

Use coloured overlays for reading

Teach keyboard skills and allow spell checks

Use writing frames, flow charts, comic strips etc

Alternative recording methods

Allow a scribe when appropriate

Keep instruction concise and clear

Praise and encourage



This is a condition that can affect the ability to acquire arithmetic skills. Children may find it difficult to grasp learning number facts and procedures.

Some strategies to support

Allow extra time on tasks

Use a calculator where possible

Use concrete apparatus for maths concepts

Use ICT and multi-sensory approaches

Pair up with a ‘maths buddy’.

Do as much practical maths as possible

Revisit concepts regularly



Dyspraxia is a motor learning disability which results in difficulty with movement and coordination. Dyspraxia can affect any area of development, such as physical, emotional and language and social development.

Some strategies to support

  • Give regular concise and clear instructions
  • Use ICT support
  • Develop and practise fine motor skills coordination and turn taking
  • Allow for lots of sequencing activities and drama/role play
  • Use writing frames
  • Praise and encourage


Attention Deficit and  Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD is used to describe children who have much greater problems than their peers with  either attention, hyperactivity/impulsiveness, or both. ADHD occurs in children from all social groups, cultures and ability levels – though many more boys than girls are affected.

Some strategies to support

Give smaller goals with frequent praise and rewards

Provide short, clear and consise instructions

Look at the pupil when talking to them

Set times to keep the task

Have a few ground rules with a visual reminder

use a range of activities and strategies during lessons


Social, Emotional and Wellbeing

The SEN Code of Practice discusses SEMH by saying that “Children and young people may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive or disturbing behaviour. These behaviours may reflect underlying mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression, self-harming, substance misuse, eating disorders or physical symptoms that are medically unexplained. Other children and young people may have disorders such as attention deficit disorder, attention deficit hyperactive disorder or attachment disorder.”

Some strategies to support

  • Have a consistent approach to behaviour
  • Use social skills groups
  • Use games to solve problems
  • Give clear and concise instructions
  • Use ICT to increase motivation
  • Praise and encouragement
  • Allow feelings to be expressed in a controlled way

For parents/carers of children who are on the pathway to being diagnosed or already have a diagnosis, there are a number of services on offer through the Local offer. These services provide; information, practical and expert advice, training, resources, ideas and support for parents/carers and they are an amazing resource to access.

These services include:

SEND Local Offer:

Addvanced Solutions :

Isabella Trust:

Liverpool Early Help Directory…/early-help-directory/

Autism in Motion:

ADHD Foundation:

To name a few! There are lots more services on the Early Help Directory!

Every year we send out a parent/carer questionnaire to find out your views to help us provide a better service to improve the educational and social and emotional needs of your children. However, we are always looking to improve throughout the year, so please find a questionnaire below, which any parent/carer of a SEND child may wish to fill in and send into school addressed to Mr B Jones (SENDCO).

Parent/Carer SEND Questionnaire

Parent Questionnaire