Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum page. We are currently in the process of building our EYFS curriculum and updating this page. Please come back soon to see the changes.
‘In play a child is always above his average age, above his daily behaviour, in play, it’s as though he were a head taller than himself ’Lev Vygotsky 1978.
EYFS Curriculum
At Gwladys Street Primary and Nursery School, we follow our own EYFS curriculum based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters.
The EYFS curriculum separates learning into seven areas of learning:
The Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional development.
Communication and Language
Physical Development
The Specific Areas
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design
Development Matters – Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage
Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage for group and school providers
Gwladys Street EYFS Curriculum
Our Early Years team meet once per week to consider long term plans, children’s stages in development and current interests in order to plan relevant activities and experiences for children. Key workers work with their key children, developing a deep understand of their abilities. This enables Key workers to set ambitious but achievable targets for children every half term.
Classroom resources and enhancements are organised to ensure children are able to apply different levels of challenge to enhance their progress. Enhancements will initially link to a loose theme, however, will evolve over the half term. This enables children to steer their own learning based upon their interests, thus improving levels of engagement and motivation.
All staff are highly trained, using strategies to enhance children’s thinking, communication and language. Children are supported to extended their knowledge and understanding through high quality interactions. Practitioners narrate and comment on children’s early play, extend and model correct sentences and add suitable questions to enhance children’s sustained thinking. These moments will often be unplanned spontaneous moments starting from the child. Additionally, we endeavor to close the vocabulary gap for the most disadvantaged children, changing life trajectories for these children. Our key texts are chosen because of the rich language they immerse the children with. Vocabulary development is carefully planned to ensure good coverage throughout children’s time in EYFS.
The curriculum is planned for both the inside and outside classrooms and equal importance is given to learning in both areas. The curriculum is planned in a cross-curricular way and enhanced by culturally diverse, engaging texts which enrich children’s understanding of the world. All aspects of the EYFS are carefully planned to ensure children have the opportunity to develop and build on skills over time, ensuring they are ready to engage with the National Curriculum in Year One.
Gwladys Street EYFS Curriculum Non-Negotiables
Reflecting on the needs and priorities of the children at Gwladys Street Community Primary and Nursery School we have identified the following schemes and ways of working to support us to strive for the maximum progress and the highest expectations for children.
Book Focus on the Foundation Subjects
Daily Timetable
Please see the Autumn Timetables for both Nursery and Reception:
Narrative Immersion Medium Term Plans
Nursery One
Spring One Narrative Immersion Planning Narrative Immersion clothes line clues
Spring Two Narrative Immersion Planning Monstersaurus by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort
Summer Two Narrative Immersion Planning Handa’s Hen by Eileen Browne
Nursery Two (Preschool Year)
Autumn One Narrative Immersion Planning Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson
Autumn Two Narrative Immersion Planning Stickman by Julia Donaldson
Spring One Narrative Immersion Planning Supertato by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet
Spring Two Narrative Immersion The Dinosaur that Pooped the Bed by Dougie Pointer and Tom Fletcher
Summer Two Narrative Immersion Planning Jack and the Flum Flum Tree by Julia Donaldson
Autumn One Narrative Immersion Planning The Something by Rebecca Cobb The Something
Autumn Two Narrative Immersion Planning Star in the Jar by Sam Hay star in the Jar
Spring One Narrative Immersion Planning Juniper Jupiter by Lizzy Stewart Junipter Jupiter
Spring Two Narrative Immersion Planning Little Red by Bethan Woollvin
Summer One Narrative Immersion Planning The Extraordinary Gardener by Samantha Boughton
Summer Two Narrative Immersion Planning The Storm Whale by Benji Davies
Useful Links for Nursery and Reception Parents
Liverpool Early Reading Pathway PowerPoint Presentation
WELLCOMM Support for Parents WellComm Early Years: Supporting language at home – GL Support
Words for Life by the National Literacy Trust Words for Life | National Literacy Trust | Words for Life
Bladder and Bowl Support Home – ERIC
Top Tips for Ditching the Dummy Tips for ditching the dummy | Toddler | Health for Under 5s
NSPCC Tips for Parents Look, Say, Sing, Play – Brain-building tips | NSPCC
Useful Links for Reception Parents
Read, Write Inc a guide for Parents Parent guide to Read Write Inc. Phonics – Oxford Owl
Nuffield Early Language Intervention for Parents Home | Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI)
Class Pages
For a more detailed and up to date view of what we have been learning, please visit our class pages.