In Geography we would like to ensure all children leave with an enthusiasm for Geography, rooted in an understanding of the human and physical geographical processes. We aim to do this by:
- fostering and nurturing a curiosity towards the subject that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
- for children to appreciate, understand and value their own geography and environment through local studies, learning visits and enrichment opportunities underpinned by safe messages.
- for children to investigate a range of locations during their time in our school locally, nationally or globally.
- building on prior knowledge – this is a key part of our curriculum, allowing children to become fluent in understanding the world that we live in and the challenges it faces. Progressive and transferable skills make Geography an exciting and rewarding subject here at Gwladys Street Community Primary and Nursery School.
Through focussed teaching, we ensure our geographers show the following characteristics:
∙ A range of vocabulary, that builds on prior learning, allowing children to draw upon these when learning Geography.
∙ An understanding of where places are in the world and their own locality in relation to the rest of the world.
∙ Show confidence, through speaking and listening activities, to take part in enquiry-based lessons resulting in detailed, informative presentations.
∙ Curiosity towards relevant and current issues in society and the environment.
∙ Understand that fieldwork is an essential component in the study of Geography, using it to draw conclusions.
- The geography long term plan shows progression of knowledge and skills.
∙ Appreciate the ways in which locations are interconnected and interdependent.
Our aim is for children to have developed an awareness of the world that they live in, and think proactively about how to protect and sustain it. Within geography, we strive to create a supportive and collaborative ethos for learning by providing investigative and enquiry based learning opportunities. Children’s knowledge and skills will develop progressively as they move through the school, not only to enable them to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum but to prepare them to become competent geographers in secondary education. Children are given the opportunity to reflect on what they have learnt each topic, collate new vocabulary to support their understanding and celebrate their achievements in the subject. We track children’s progress in Geography by using targets taken from the National Curriculum and assessing the children against these. This informs future planning and learning opportunities.
Children will have a deep understanding of the local area and its place in the wider geographical context.
Planning and teaching is reviewed termly by the subject lead through learning walks, book monitoring and pupil voice. Written marking in books allow teachers to either consolidate learning through tips or challenge the learner to explain, explore and delve deeper.