
We place emphasis on self-responsibility and caring for others;


  • Trust, listen and respect
  • Enjoy everyday
  • Achieve and believe in ourselves
  • Make everyone feel safe and welcome


At Gwladys Street Community Primary and Nursery School we place an emphasis on reinforcing good behaviour by using a number of rewards and incentives.

Rewards include:

  • Stickers
  • Star of the Day medal
  • Certificates
  • Verbal and written praise
  • Team Points (Annual reward for the team with the most points e.g. trips out or visitors into school)
  • Star of the week
  • Daily/weekly attendance and punctuality awards
  • Golden Time
  • Lunchtime Positive Room
  • Golden Box
  • Positive Text Messages as required
  • Prizes/Visits from the Head teacher and Deputy Headteacher
  • Positive verbal and written feedback to parents
  • Good Work Assemblies
  • Child sent to other teachers or member of the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) to share good work/behaviour
  • End of Y6 Award Ceremony


Every term there will be a joint FS/KS1 & KS2 assembly, when children will have:


•          Star pupil certificates and prizes to show

•          Good attendance and 100% attendance certificates

•          A draw for the winners of the termly punctuality prize

•          Regular reader certificates and prizes

•          Maths passports certificates and prizes (yearly)